

šŸŒŒ Explore the Cosmos: Welcome to CosmicApes! šŸš€ Rise with the Stars: CosmicApes Greetings, cosmic adventurers and crypto stargazers! We're thrilled to introduce you to the limitless expanse of CosmicApes, a collection that celebrates the spirit of cosmic apes, featuring 6,969 unique NFTs. šŸŒ  Artistry in the Cosmos: CosmicApes' Journey to the Stars šŸŒ  CosmicApes invites you to embark on a journey through the cosmos and join us as we ascend to new celestial heights through its beautifully crafted digital artworks. Each NFT is a symbol of our collective ascent, capturing the essence of exploration, ambition, and the unity of our cosmic ape community, inspiring us all to rise with the stars. šŸŒŸ Unleash the Potential: The Vision of CosmicApes šŸŒŸ CosmicApes is more than just a collection; it's a celebration of cosmic wonder and ambition. It symbolizes our drive to rise above and beyond, guided by the brilliance of the cosmos. As we ascend together, we invite you to join us in embracing the boundless possibilities of the crypto universe with the awe of the stars.

total mints5,086
Max Supply6,969
total mint volume0.166 š£
mints (week)14
Floor Price0.003 š£
Mint volume (week)0 š£

5x Free Mint



Wallet Limit


Cosmic Mint


0.0009 Īž

Wallet Limit


no mints selected