Joseangel SE #29
Very Common
Joseangel SE mint opened Jose's second birthday — November 3, 2023. This small collection is free for Joseangel Maker holders. SE in Joseangel SE stands for Sattvas Edition. Sattva means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindi, & Joseanglstani. In Sanskrit, Bodhisattva is constructed from bodhi (enlightenment) and sattva (being). Accordingly, Joseangelsattvas are joseangelic beings. In the Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy, the Sattva guna (mode of existence) is characterized by the qualities of balance, harmony, goodness, purity, serenity, and can be described as holistic, constructive, creative, luminous, peaceful, virtuous. Joseangelsattvas are these things and more; they strike a balance between sattva guna, and sattva goonery.
Token ID
# 29
Token Standard
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